Avg. Battlepowerlevel: 33,150
Max. Battlepowerlevel: 1,480,469 (Super Saiya-jin 2)
Avg. Psychicpowerlevel: N/A
Max. Psychicpowerlevel: N/A
Avg. Magicpowerlevel: N/A
Max. Magicpowerlevel: N/A
Avg. ??????powerlevel: N/A
Max. ??????powerlevel: N/A Reputation...:
w/ Misfits:
...with Nina: 67 [towards Nina: 68]
...with Clint: 70 [towards Clint: 71]
...with Alex: 70 [towards Alex: 72]
...with Jason: 69 [towards Jason: 71]
...with Devin: 77 [towards Devin: 77]
...with Dusty: 68 [towards Dusty: 69]
...with Dan: 70 [towards Dan: 71]
...with Paula: 70 [towards Paula: 71]
...with Goku: 73 [towards Goku: 72]
...with Vegeta: 72 [towards Vegeta: 75]
...with Heero: 68 [towards Heero: 69]
...with Radditz: 71 [towards Radditz: 73]
...with Mr. Buu: 84 [towards Mr. Buu: 75]
...with #17: 78 [towards #17: 76]
...with Piccolo: 74 [towards Piccolo: 78]
...with Dwayne: 70 [towards Dwayne: 74]
...with Steve: 69 [towards Steve: 73]
...with Virgil: 61 [towards Virgil: 64]
...with Teresa: 69 [towards Teresa: 69]
...with #18: 61 [towards #18: 61] w/
...with Jackson: 10 [towards Jackson: 12]
...with "Gray Prophet": N/A [towards "Gray Prophet": N/A]
...with "Blue Domino": N/A [towards "Blue Domino": N/A]
...with "Red Serpent": N/A [towards "Red Serpent": N/A]
...with Oyatsu: 31 [towards Oyatsu: 30]
...with Harry: N/A [towards Harry: N/A]
...with Morgan: N/A [towards Morgan: N/A]
...with Rowan: N/A [towards Rowan: N/A] |
Full Name: Vernon Castle Tyler III
Misfit #: 5
First Appearance: Prologue
Race: Saiya-jin (although the degree of his blood is unknown, so he might still be
partially human as well)
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown
Age: 17
Birthday: May 17, 1984
Height: 6'22/5" (188.97cm)
Weight: ~174 lbs (78.9kg)
Parents: Bonnie Montgomery (Fostermother, unmarried), Vernon Tyler II, (Fosterfather,
Current Status: Alive, training at Alex's neighborhood
I.Q.: 160
Elemental Strengths: Electric (apparently his ability to use Willy Wisp
shows potential)
Elemental Weaknesses: Unknown
Who has a Crush on Him?: None
Who hates him?: Jackson
His Advantages: His body can get stronger after recovering from injuries. He has a heightened sense of fighting. He has high natural athletic potential. Is very hard to get riled up by jokes.
His Disadvantages: Sometimes his competitive nature will put him in over his head.
His Likes: Wooing ladies. Getting the highest jump on his track team. Competition in general.
His Dislikes: Smoking and Pot. People who chicken out of competitions.
His Fears: An uncertain future. Terminators.
Hobbies: High-jumping. Track-running. Harassing Alex in good fun.
Favorite Food[s]: Caesar Salad, Spring Water, Green Grapes.
Favorite Vehicle[s]: Helicopters.
Closest friend[s] in the Misfits: Devin,
Piccolo, #17
Primary Motivation for Being a Misfit: To improve on his physical
prowess, being a hero, and getting women to like him more.
Quote: (to Piccolo and #17) "Trust me, I can convince them if I need to. I have my ways."
Abilities: BukujutsuJAP, Kamehameha, Willy Wisp, MasenkoJAP,
ZanzokenJAP, SoukidanJAP, Big Bang Attack, KaiokenJAP
Transformations: Super Saiya-jin, Super Saiya-jin 2
Personality: Easy going, although competitive to the core, Vernon is
an unique mix of calm and pride on the outside, covering a small amount of
self-doubt. Vernon's athletic abilities at CSHS have earned him great
recognition as a powerful athlete, and he could jump nearly an unprecedented 9
feet into the air before he started his training as a Misfit, and is one of the
fastest runners on his track team. He feels he must prove himself to the world,
because he feels a strange lack of confidence sometimes despite his impressive
physical abilities. However Vernon has probably one of the most laid-back
personalities of the eight original Misfits, and is himself a joker, however not
to the extent of Jason and Alex, but is also very hard to rile up and anger by
his friends. He does get chuckles out of his 'rivalry' with Alex, as the two of
them tend to compete in more areas now than they used to, due to Alex's sudden
cure of his Cerebral Palsy. However in truth, Vernon is very thankful Alex has
overcome it, since he could not imagine the hell Alex must've experienced not
able to walk all that well, and unable to run and jump like he could for so many
years. However Vernon is also a slight pervert and also feels that his future
heroic efforts might actually impress a few ladies into a date with him. However
despite this slightly perverted personality, he does care for the women in his
life, and will also protect them at all costs. Although Saiya-jin by blood, he
is probably the most human in emotion between himself, Alex and Jason.
Biography: The Beginning of an Era:
Although we are aware of Vernon's Saiya-jin blood, his 'foster parents' are
not apparently aware of anything about him that makes him unrelated to them as
of yet. Vernon does wonder though if they might be hiding something deep down
that they feel he is yet unready to know. It is however known that Vernon has
also like Alex undergone the transformation to Oozaru once in his life, at the
age of 3. However, unlike Alex, who would've rampaged across the immediate area
had it not been for the quick thinking of his foster parents, Vernon seemed to
retain most of his conscious thought and control, much like how Vegeta could
during his first battle with Goku on Earth while in the form. Due to his, Vernon
did not cause much damage, although for strange reasons, he has not yet told the
others of this strange occurrence. It might be possible he has forgotten it due
to his age at the time causing a large gap in his memories, however it is known
that like Alex and Jason, he too no longer has his tail, and he might indeed
view the incident as merely a dream.
Most of Vernon's life from there up until his arrival at CSHS is not well
known to us, however it is known that he possessed a skill of athletics that
most others were envious of. Even as a young kid, he had an abnormal jumping
height, which peaked at 8 feet and 6 inches, and great running speed compared to
his peers before the series started. From this, Vernon was inspired to take
track and jumping classes at CSHS, and is still to an extent part of the team to
this day, although lack of appearances to CSHS in recent times might put his
position on the team into jeopardy.
Also known is that he has known Devin, Virgil and Alex for quite a long time,
since their young school days. During this time, Devin and Vernon grew to become
basically best friends, while Alex also became a good acquaintance. Vernon also
met Jackson McCarakins for the first time. Prior to Jackson's 'betrayal' of
Alex, Vernon and him were not enemies, although they weren't exactly great
friends either. After Jackson turned his back on Alex due to his Cerebral Palsy
suddenly kicking in, Vernon became angered at Jackson, while showing sympathy to
Alex due to the fact that he understood what the condition truly meant for Alex:
little mobility, having to use other objects to get around, and no athletic
abilities. Vernon also feared subconsciously that he would someday get the
condition, which would effectively kill his dreams of becoming a great athlete.
Although Alex and Vernon were mostly friends, they also began to slowly develop
rivalries in video games, which still continues to this day, and has erupted
into their physical training methods.
At CSHS, Vernon would meet Clint, Dusty, Jason, Dan, Nina, while he re-met
with Devin, Alex and later Virgil just before the series began. Vernon has also
shown recent interests in wrestling and anime, two subjects of culture shared
among a large amount of the original Misfits, and helping to unite them as a
group. It was because of this Vernon accepted Clint's offer to take him along to
Tokyo, Japan, where the series begins...
The Misfits:
Prologue and Saga 1:
Vernon is seen in the Prologue[though not called by name]. He is seen ogling
one of the flight attendants and talking to Alex about getting a girlfriend and
how he'll probably be the first one. Nina overhears their talk and gets annoyed
to the point of casting the Hokaku spell on him and Alex, causing them to shrink
to the size of mice. When they reappear in Part 1, they are both back to full
Vernon goes with Alex, Jason, Clint and Devin to Shonen Jump HQ first, to see
Akira Toriyama, the creator of Dr. Slump and Dragonball, and asks the creator if
he ever plans to one day continue Dragonball from the end of Z[and skipping GT],
to which the creator is unsure. After the meeting, Vernon receives some
personally requested art from Toriyama, one of them being a picture of Piccolo,
and also gets his calling card.
Later, Vernon also attends the movie about the origin of anime, but he is not
exactly the most interested. However his life gets far less boring after Alex
and Jason get into a shoving match in the middle of the movie, breaking the
movie projector. While the group yells at Alex and Jason about the projector, a
strong 6.7 earthquake shakes the theatre and most of Tokyo, while the movie
screen suddenly erupts into a blinding flash. Suddenly the screen forms into a
interdimensional portal, sucking most of the group into it, sans Jason. Vernon
had been blinded and tripped trying to run for cover from the suction, being
taken in anyways.
Vernon recovers and finds himself on a secluded island and laying on the edge
of a large crater. After getting his bearings, he wanders around the island
trying to find civilization, when he suddenly experiences earthquakes and feels
explosions in the distance. He soon gets sight of two familiar faces. To his
shock, the two are the cyborg teenager #17, and the Namekian Piccolo, both
characters from Dragonball. Vernon manages to catch #17's attention, then
Piccolo's, and they are confused to Vernon's knowledge of them, but before much
more can be learned, another portal surrounds all three of them, whisking them
away, and back to the theatre in Tokyo. Vernon discovers he is not the only one
who has brought stowaways with him, as he recognizes Goku, Vegeta, Buu and
Radditz, as well as Dwayne and Steve, among others. After a very large amount of
explanations and expositions, the group goes to a hotel nearby to stay the
That night, Vernon is paired with Goku to his pleasant surprise. Goku notices
the picture of Piccolo Toriyama made for him, and Vernon further explains the
oddity of the situation, believing a merger of universes has happened. Radditz
briefly interrupts them, asking for a sensu bean from Goku, which he is given.
After a while, Goku chows on food and falls asleep, and Vernon is last seen
watching TV that night.
The next day, Vernon returns to Canton with the newly combined group,
narrowly evading an unknown deathtrap devised by Oyatsu by sheer luck, and
safely arrives back to his hometown of Canton. Upon getting home, he offers Piccolo and
#17 to live with him for the time being, saying he has ways to get his parents
to let them stay, the three head back to Vernon's house...
Saga 2:
A couple of days later in Part 3, Vernon is among the arrivals to Goku's ki
training session. He states that one of his original intents to becoming a hero
is to get a girlfriend, and also to give Alex something to work for by being his
rival. However after gaining the ability to fly, he leaves suddenly, missing out
on the initial chance to learn how to sense and mask ki energy.
The next day in Part 4, we learn that Vernon has asked Piccolo and #17 to
train him, and that the two have agreed. Piccolo realizes that Vernon has a
semi-quick learning curve over the next few days, having gained upwards of
10,000 powerlevel in less than 4 days. #17 also makes a few ominous observations
to himself. At the end of Part 4, #17 spars with Vernon using only a minor
fraction of his real power. After getting hammered on for a bit, Vernon
temporarily snaps when #17 pretends to make a move to finish him off, going
feral and transforming into a Super Saiya-jin, and actually managing to force
Piccolo to let up on his grip. However a short blow from an intervening Nina
snaps Vernon out of it, and he regains his bearings, to learn from Piccolo that
Alex had attained the same level the day prior.
In Part 5, Alex and Vernon are shortly paired up with each other for training
when Piccolo and #17 take him to Alex's house and merge with Goku and Vegeta for
the day. Vernon and Alex turn up the heat of their rivalry and get into a small
sparring match, which both end up taking too far to the point of completely
draining themselves of energy. They are put on to rest in Alex's living room,
waking up to find that Devin, Mr. Buu and Paula have also arrived for a picnic
while they were out. Devin has made some juice-drinks for himself, Alex and
Vernon. However to Vernon's dismay, Jason has been able to sneak a voice serum
into all three of their drinks, causing their voices to heighten in pitch to
chipmunk levels. Paula retrieves Jason and his accomplice Clint, and takes Clint
back to his house, leaving Jason to the wrath of the rest of them, including
Later that night, Alex's house is pranked by Virgil two times, along with
Radditz, Steve, Dwayne and Paula as well. Although Vernon accompanies them to
Virgil's house, he decides not to partake in dishing out any form of revenge on
Virgil, both because it's not worth it to him, and because he'd rather save it
for someone like Alex. He leaves and goes back to him house to rest for his day
back to school the next day.
Unfortunately, the next day turns out to be quite bad, as it is September
11th. At first, Vernon's day is progressing normal at school, until he and Jason
hear about the attacks for the first time in Mr. Summers' room. Vernon also
manages to notice Jason's increased power boiling through in his anger, but
keeps it silent for the time being. Vernon's mood slowly becomes more sour as
the day goes on. However the worst of it occurs when Dan is attacked personally
by members of Al-Qaeda, trying to use the innocent Teresa Hamilton against him
to cover their actions. He is also witness to the questioning change in Clint to
that of a Super Saiya-jin form, but has no real explanation to why he is that
way. After some talking with the other Misfits and a final confrontation with
their antagonist Jackson McCarakins, the group departs from Canton South High
School into a special training regimen that intends to prevent disasters like
9/11 or worse from ever happening again...
Part 7 begins with Vernon being ultimately grouped in with Alex and Jason,
now being taught and trained by Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, #17 and occasionally Mr.
Buu. It is at this point #17 reveals that he has always known of the Saiya-jin
DNA within the three younger Misfits, much to some of their chagrin. Vernon also
mentioned of what he noticed about Jason's jump in power to them, and agrees he
should be trained further, and in fact is there to witness Jason's enraged
transformation to Super Saiya-jin, all the way up to Super Saiya-jin 4th Grade.
In Part 8, Vernon, Alex and Jason are taken to a new training grounds by Goku
and Vegeta, accompanied by Mr. Buu. The new area is an abandoned stadium with a
lot of space. Additionally, the three youngest Misfits actually get to witness a
sparring match between Goku, Vegeta and Mr. Buu. It is at this point Vernon
realizes he has a long ways to go despite his new found powers compared to the
beginning. However later on in the day, he gets to be witness to a crazy stunt
of Piccolo and #17, who suddenly fall into the stadium on a pair of motorcycles,
giving them a scare.
In Part 9, Vernon, Jason and Alex get the chance to spar amongst themselves
in a free-for-all battle during the first day, as well as learning about the
change within Radditz later on. On the second day, Vernon learns Jason has
attained Super Saiya-jin 2 first, and Jason helps him and Alex understand that
pride and competition will not help either one obtain the new level. With this
new knowledge, both Vernon and Alex finally ascend to Super Saiya-jin 2 later on
that day. However, upon gaining Super Saiya-jin 2, Vernon learns a new
technique, where he gathers a sphere of electrical energy and can throw it at
his target for explosive-electrical damage, a move Alex also believes is based
off an attack in an RPG he played.
In Part 10, Vernon is called by Devin early in the morning, who informs him
Dan is strangely running around and apparently capturing other Misfits for some
unknown reason. Vernon gets a hold of Jason, and the two of them arrive with
only Devin still uncaptured for a short time. It turns out while Dan is indeed
partially responsible for the wrong-doings, he is not actually in control of
himself, but a shapeshifter with the ability to possess others named Oyatsu is
behind it. After a short confrontation with Oyatsu, Vernon and Jason are
unfortunately defeated when Oyatsu uses the 'Durty Durt Dur' curse on them to
block their Super Saiya-jin levels, and then shrinks both of them down and
captures them along with Devin. Vernon and most of the others are later rescued
after Nina, Teresa and #18 defeat Oyatsu and free Dan, allowing them to release
the other captured Misfits. Realizing he cannot train all too much with the
curse still affecting him and most of the other Saiya-jin Misfits, Vernon
decides to go back to taking his original day off, ending part 10.
Saga 3:
However later on that day, Vernon picks up on Goku's powerlevel taking an
unnatural boost, and then learns Goku still has the Kaioken ability. Vernon is
then called by Goku and Alex, who offer to teach anyone who comes to Goku with
the obligation to learn it. Vernon is also finally taught how to sense and mask
ki energy at the training session, learning that both are essential tools to
utilizing Kaioken without fatal consequences. They are also able to met North
Kaio, one of Goku's former teachers, and the forefather of the Kaioken, who
helps the group understand how to use the ability with better clarity. In the
end of the training, Vernon manages to pull off a Kaioken x2, which less than
half of the current group can do at the moment in time. Closing:
Vernon's time as a Misfit has shown has a few of his ups and downs as a
person so far. However, despite the shortcomings he suffers, he usually manages
to keep his temper calm and in check, in contrast to many of his friends, who
tend to freak out in bad situations. |