Battlepowerlevel: 133,000,000 (w/ weights)
Max. Battlepowerlevel: 199,500,000 (w/o weights)
Avg. Psychicpowerlevel: N/A
Max. Psychicpowerlevel: N/A
Avg. Magicpowerlevel: N/A
Max. Magicpowerlevel: N/A
Avg. ??????powerlevel: N/A
Max. ??????powerlevel: N/A Reputation...:
w/ Misfits:
...with Nina: 74 [towards Nina: 68]
...with Clint: 75 [towards Clint: 65]
...with Alex: 72 [towards Alex: 67]
...with Jason: 72 [towards Jason: 73]
...with Vernon: 78 [towards Vernon: 74]
...with Devin: 79 [towards Devin: 70]
...with Dusty: 71 [towards Dusty: 67]
...with Dan: 73 [towards Dan: 66]
...with Paula: 74 [towards Paula: 78]
...with Goku: 85 [towards Goku: 79]
...with Vegeta: 79 [towards Vegeta: 79]
...with Heero: 72 [towards Heero: 68]
...with Radditz: 73 [towards Radditz: 67]
...with Mr. Buu: 83 [towards Mr. Buu: 76]
...with #17: 80 [towards #17: 75]
...with Dwayne: 74 [towards Dwayne: 70]
...with Steve: 70 [towards Steve: 68]
...with Virgil: 65 [towards Virgil: 61]
...with Teresa: 73 [towards Teresa: 71]
...with #18:
68 [towards #18: 70] w/ Villains/Antagonists:
...with Jackson: 4 [towards Jackson: 3]
...with "Gray Prophet": N/A [towards "Gray Prophet": N/A]
...with "Blue Domino": N/A [towards "Blue Domino": N/A]
...with "Red Serpent": N/A [towards "Red Serpent": N/A]
...with Oyatsu: 18 [towards Oyatsu: 12]
...with Harry: N/A [towards Harry: N/A]
...with Morgan: N/A [towards Morgan: N/A]
...with Rowan: N/A [towards Rowan: N/A] |
Full Name:
Piccolo Damiaou Ryuujin Jr.
Misfit #: 16
First Appearance:
Part 1
Race: Nameksei-jin
Eyes: Black
Skin: Mostly Green, although arms and legs have Pink-Red patches of
muscle adorning
Age: 33
Birthday: 751 AZ
Height: 7'61/2" (229.87cm)
Weight: 257 lbs (116.6kg)
Parent[s]: Piccolo Damiaou Ryuujin Sr. (father, evil half,
deceased), Piccolo Kami
Ryuujin Sr. (father, good half, fused)
Current Status: Alive, currently at Vernon's house
I.Q.: 196
Elemental Strengths: Unknown
Elemental Weaknesses: Sound/Noise
Who has a Crush on Him?: None
Who hates him?: None
His Advantages: He is likely the wisest of the old Z-Warriors among the
current group of Misfits. He has probably the harshest but generally most
effective training methods of all
the Z-Warriors.
His Disadvantages: He lacks transformations of significant power[aka Super
Saiya-jin levels, etc], meaning he
has to work the old-fashioned way to get stronger.
His Likes: Water, Meditation, Hard Training, Weighted Clothing, Watching
Earth from the Tenka[Lookout]
His Dislikes: People who screw around too much, Whistling and other sudden booming noises[he
has sensitive ears], People arrogant off their asses[Vegeta in the old days, Alex and Vernon to some extent]
His Fears: Failing his friends and allies at their most dark hour for
whatever reasons.
Hobbies: Meditating in quiet places.
Favorite Food[s]: Water [specfically thawed ice water from polar regions]
Favorite Vehicle[s]: The motorcycle #17 bought him [even if he'll never
admit it :P]
Closest friend[s] in the Misfits: Goku,
Vegeta, #17
Primary Motivation for Being a Misfit: To protect his home planet
alongside his friends and new students, and to improve the powers of those
underneath him.
Quote: (to #17) "You idiot! Vehicles and I do not mix!"
Abilities: BukujutsuJAP, BakurikimahaJAP, Bushitsu Shyutsu Gen MajyustuJAP,
ChonoryokuJAP, KousengenJAP, KuchikarakikouhaJAP, MakosenJAP, ShogekihaJAP, Telepathy,
ChoubakuretsumahaJAP, GekiretsukodanJAP, KakusanyudokodanJAP, KyodaikaJAP, MafubaJAP,
MakankosappoJAP, MasenkoJAP, Nobiru udeJAP, Sai SeiJAP, Tsuno BeamJAP, YugoJAP, ZanzokenJAP
Personality: If anyone among either the Z-Fighters or the Misfits is
the pinnacle of no-tolerance and serious moods, it's Piccolo. Very straight to
the point and rarely ever in the mood to deal with immaturity, Piccolo's
personality can come off to some as cold and apathetic. However despite these
feelings, the Nameksei-jin champion of the universe is indeed a hell of an
effective training partner, and will pull no punches. Although he never
subjected Vernon, Alex and Jason to wilderness training like he did Gohan,
Piccolo can nonetheless administer torturous training methods for them. His
seriousness is so great that even Vegeta has cracked jokes about him
never knowing of fun. However according to Piccolo, he does take some fun in
'scaring the s*** outta weak humans', as he has a moderate contempt for the
otherwise-mostly lazy race of people. Only a select few humans have earned his
respect to this day, and this is led him and Dan to make a strange bet about
human performance in Part 2. If there is one foil to Piccolo's no-nonsense
personality, it's his sparring partner and 'friend' #17, who is exactly his
opposite, and always pressuring the Nameksei-jin to ease up and have fun. This
has had SOME result recently, as Piccolo actually gave in to buying a motorcycle
and even raced #17 in a very humorous situation in Part 8. However, other than
this situation, he has not been seen doing any other 'casual' things, and feels
embarrassment to being caught in the act.
Biography: The Beginning of an Era:
The Misfits:
Prologue and Saga 1:
Saga 2:
Saga 3:
- Closing:
- |