This group of items are special items that give an instant benefit of various types, usually 30 seconds per pickup [unless dropped by someone, in which they are used and generally give less time]. All powerups have stackable timers, but their benefits themselves do not stack [i.e. you can't multiply damage by sixteen times by grabbing two Quad Damages within the same time frame]. Vehicles can also use Artifacts/Powerups depending on how the setting for distribution between characters and their vehicle is set.
A well known symbol to many... the Quad Damage is a powerful, though equally dangerous artifact that will quadruple the holder's attack damage by 4 times. This can be a problem when your enemies wield these, however not all of the monsters are 'mature' enough to use them wisely and might kill themselves if they mishandle explosives while holding this. This same problem can apply to you and your own explosives as well, so don't fall into this trap either.
Note: A normal
pickup of this item lasts 30 seconds. Dropped Quad Damages will add whatever time they
had remaining to the next user to pick it up.
Note: Again note that the
multiplier of the Quad Damage does NOT stack if you grab more than one, only the
timer increases.
Resembling the 'Rook' in a chess set, the Icon of the Defender is another powerful artifact, and perhaps the most sought after of all five currently in NR:IotM. It will render the holder invulnerable to practically all forms of damage, be they from enemy attack, or lava/acid/slime, and will render the user unrequired to breathe or consume scuba gear air when underwater. They also render protective boots invulnerable to lava/acid/slime if they are in the user's inventory. The final and most powerful feature is that in true classic Mario-style, the holder emits a bio-aura that can kill practically about anything they consider an enemy if they get up close enough to touch with it, causing them to explode violently. If your enemy has this, keep as far away as possible until it wears off.
Note: A normal
pickup of this item lasts 30 seconds. Dropped Icons will add whatever time they
had remaining to the next user to pick it up.
Note: Also, you can still be crushed to death, as can any monster holding this
Note: All Negative Statuses are removed when this item is picked up.
Note: Players and Civilians using Icons will not be able to instant-kill each
other, but monsters/enemies using them will be able to kill Players and
Civilians. Shooting anyone holding an Icon, Player or Civilian or Monster however, will
still deflect the damage back at the attacker.
Note: The Damage Deflection % of the Icon does NOT stack if you grab more than
one of them at a time.
Appearing as a Golden Egyptian Ankh, this item represents health and vitality. When held by a user, it will recover 15% of their HP per second if the user's HP is below it's Maximum (less than 100%). When at or above 100% HP, HP will increment by 5% a second until it hits 200% HP.
Note: A normal
pickup of this item lasts 30 seconds. Dropped Ankhs will add whatever time they
had remaining to the next user to pick it up.
Note: Picking this item up also heals "Poison".
Note: The Regeneration % of the Ankh does NOT stack if you grab more than one of
them at a time.
Appearing as a Shield embedded with a falcon, this item represents durability and defense. When held by a user, it will recover 15% of their AP per second if the user's AP is below it's Maximum (less than 100%). When at or above 100% AP, AP will increment by 5% a second until it hits 200% AP.
Note: A normal
pickup of this item lasts 30 seconds. Dropped Sigils will add whatever time they
had remaining to the next user to pick it up.
Note: The Regeneration % of the Emblem does NOT stack if you grab more than one
of them at a time.
This creepy looking artifact is somewhat recent to the world of NR:IotDM. Grabbing the Vampire Mask will give you the ability to leech away 50% of any HP and AP damage you deal to your enemies, up to 150% HP and 150% AP. However as with all artifacts and powerups, the enemies can also use these against you to equal effect.
Note: A normal
pickup of this item lasts 30 seconds. Dropped Vampire Masks will add whatever time they
had remaining to the next user to pick it up.
Note: The Damage Absorbsion % of the Mask does NOT stack if you grab more than
one of them at a time.
This group of items gives the person who grabs them [or the vehicle they are driving] a permanent stat benefit depending on the item it was. Only HP, AP, Attack or Defense benefits can be given to Vehicles like Riot Tanks, and the other bonuses will automatically go to the character driving them regardless of how the setting for distributing bonuses and items between characters and their vehicle is set.
Appearing as a red spinning Nuke-Icon, this item will permanently increase the Maximum HP of the person/creature who grabs it by a small amount, dependant of their current Maximum HP. Be warned, your enemies can use these to an equal effect as you can, so try to get them before they do!
Note: This bonus can be in three sizes: small [common], medium [rare], or large [extremely rare]. Small is 1x benefits, Medium is 4x benefits, while large is 9x benefits.
Appearing as a green spinning Nuke-Icon, this item will permanently increase the Maximum AP of the person/creature who grabs it by a small amount, dependant of their current Maximum AP. Be warned, your enemies can use these to an equal effect as you can, so try to get them before they do!
Note: This bonus can be in three sizes: small [common], medium [rare], or large [extremely rare]. Small is 1x benefits, Medium is 4x benefits, while large is 9x benefits.
Appearing as a yellow spinning Nuke-Icon, this item will permanently increase both the Maximum HP and Maximum AP of the person/creature who grabs it by a small amount, dependant of their current Maximum HP and Maximum AP. Be warned, your enemies can use these to an equal effect as you can, so try to get them before they do!
Note: This bonus can be in three sizes: small [common], medium [rare], or large [extremely rare]. Small is 1x benefits, Medium is 4x benefits, while large is 9x benefits.
Appearing as a red spinning Yin-Yang icon, this item will permanently increase the Attack of the person/creature who grabs it by a small amount, dependant of their current Attack. Be warned, your enemies can use these to an equal effect as you can, so try to get them before they do!
Note: This bonus can be in three sizes: small [common], medium [rare], or large [extremely rare]. Small is 1x benefits, Medium is 4x benefits, while large is 9x benefits.
Appearing as a green spinning Yin-Yang icon, this item will permanently increase the Defense of the person/creature who grabs it by a small amount, dependant of their current Defense. Be warned, your enemies can use these to an equal effect as you can, so try to get them before they do!
Note: This bonus can be in three sizes: small [common], medium [rare], or large [extremely rare]. Small is 1x benefits, Medium is 4x benefits, while large is 9x benefits.
Appearing as a yellow spinning Yin-Yang icon, this item will permanently increase both the Attack and Defense of the person/creature who grabs it by a small amount, dependant of their current Attack and Defense. Be warned, your enemies can use these to an equal effect as you can, so try to get them before they do!
Note: This bonus can be in three sizes: small [common], medium [rare], or large [extremely rare]. Small is 1x benefits, Medium is 4x benefits, while large is 9x benefits.
Appearing as a spinning pair of leather boots with a blue aura over them, this item will increase your Speed by a random fraction of a point. The actual amount of speed units depends on your Level, the Difficulty Level, your Current Character and a randomized amount. At the most, it can take 73 of these to get a point, or as few as 3 of them. Additionally, enemies cannot grab this item.
Note: This bonus can be in three sizes: small [common], medium [rare], or large [extremely rare]. Small is 1x benefits, Medium is 4x benefits, while large is 9x benefits.
A small bag that will extend one of your weapon's ammo limits by the equivalent of 1 pickup (i.e. if it increases Max Pistol Ammo, it will do so by 12 shots, or by 10 shots for the Shotgun, or 50 shots for the Chaingun Cannon, etc)
Note: This bonus can be in three sizes: small [common], medium [rare], or large [extremely rare]. Small is 1x benefits, Medium is 4x benefits, while large is 9x benefits.
A large bag that will extend one of your weapon's ammo limits by the equivalent of one pickup 4 times.
Note: This bonus can be in three sizes: small [common], medium [rare], or large [extremely rare]. Small is 1x benefits, Medium is 4x benefits, while large is 9x benefits.
Appearing as a set of lungs, this item will give a tiny extension to the current character's Underwater-Air time. However at least 7 to 20 of these must be grabbed in order to extend a character's time a full second. They are not as common as Attack/Defense bonuses however.
Note: This bonus can be in three sizes: small [common], medium [rare], or large [extremely rare]. Small is 1x benefits, Medium is 4x benefits, while large is 9x benefits.
Appearing as a clenched fist, this item will give a tiny extension to the current character's Mantle-Strength time. However at least 13 to 20 of these must be grabbed totally per character in order to extend their Mantle-Strength time 1 or 2 seconds. They are not as common as Maximum HP/Maximum AP bonuses however.
Note: This bonus can be in three sizes: small [common], medium [rare], or large [extremely rare]. Small is 1x benefits, Medium is 4x benefits, while large is 9x benefits.
Appearing as a capsule of glowing energy, this item will permanently increase the Maximum EP [Energy Points] of the person who grabs it by a small amount, dependant of their current Maximum EP. Right now, monsters cannot grab these, but will be able to in future versions.
Note: This bonus can be in three sizes: small [common], medium [rare], or large [extremely rare]. Small is 1x benefits, Medium is 4x benefits, while large is 9x benefits.
This rare item appears as a miniature spinning Duke Nukem in a jumping pose. Grabbing this item will extend your current character's Maximum Air Jumps by 1. However these items are the rarest of bonuses in the entire set since a single air jump can have a large effect on how to use a character.
Note: This bonus can be in three sizes: small [common], medium [rare], or large [extremely rare]. Small is 1x benefits, Medium is 4x benefits, while large is 9x benefits.
This group of items is generally of the kind that can be used immediately if needed, or stored away in your inventory for later use otherwise [with a couple of exceptions below]. They are also the most common group of items to find in NR. Many of these items can also be used by your vehicle if the proper settings are used for distributing items between characters and their vehicle.
In addition to the original Armored vests found in the original Duke Nukem 3D, special 'colored' versions of this vest appear, each color representing a 'class' of armor. These range from "Green" (33% Damage Reduction) to "White" (100% Damage Reduction). There are also Blue, Yellow, Red, Gray versions of this armor, each their own classes as well. There is also a "Random" class vest that appears occasionally that makes your Armor's Absorbsion rate a random amount from 10% to 100%.
Note: Armor now appears
differently depending on the character selected or if it is damaged/used.
Note: This item is stored in your inventory when grabbed if the character's AP
is 100% or higher.
A large, grey version of the standard Atomic Health item. This item is one of the most sought out healing items in the game, due to its' ability to instantly bring HP, AP and Portable Medikit energy of the person/creature who grabs it to 200% each, and setting their Armor Absorbsion to a random value between 90% and 100%. This means whoever grabs it will become extremely difficult to destroy, so do try to make it that YOU are the one who grabs this, and not something like... oh say, an Octanine, a Lesser/Greater Naferiaite, or a Battlelord-class, Overlord-class, Cycloid Emperor-class or Alien Queen-class enemy!
Note: An Atomic
Health with a palette of 16 automatically becomes a SuperAtom, for reference.
Note: There is a very low chance an Atomic Health will transform into a
SuperAtom [less than 10%].
Note: There is an extremely low chance a SuperAtom will transform into a
Continue Item [less than 0.4%]
Note: This item is stored in your inventory when grabbed if the current
character's HP/AP/FA is at 200%.
A large fortune cookie that when grabbed restores 50% of your HP much in the same way as the Atomic Health. However in addition to this, a fortune cookie will contain a message which ranges from hints, to pure randomness, to even ominous warnings of events to come.
Note: There is a
chance an Atomic Health will transform into a Fortune Cookie [about 50%].
Note: There is an extremely low chance a Fortune Cookie will transform into a
Continue Item [less than 0.4%]
Note: You cannot store away Fortune Cookies in your inventory and they can only
be used on the spot.
Money in Naferia's Reign appears in many forms, from pennies to one billion dollar bills, and can be used to buy items, weapons, ammo, sometimes other key items. Money is one of the few items in the game listed here that monsters will not try to grab, despite the fact all monsters in the game drop some random amount of money when killed. Pigcops and boss-rank enemies will drop the most money out of all the enemy types. Money can also be given as a reward for saving people via 'Ryan's Hope'. Money can also be found lying around in places, and this is usually the only way you'll find anything greater than a $1000 dollar bill, as the highest bill denomination monsters will usually drop is $500 bills.
The types of money you find will include: pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half-dollars, sac-dollars, $1 bills, $2 bills, $5 bills, $10 bills, $20 bills, $50 bills, $100 bills, $500 bills, $1,000 bills, $5,000 bills, $10,000 bills, $100,000 bills, $1,000,000 bills, and money bags containing varying amounts of cash. There are also unlisted forms of money you can find as well. Money is universally shared between all members of your current group. Money can now be used in shops and vending machines as well.
Note: If you are
playing as Lisa and her level is >10, more money will drop/appear than it would
otherwise due to her "Lady Luck" skill.
Note: In later
versions, Money will also be used as a direct ammo type for one of the
characters' more unorthodox attacks.
Appearing as a Golden Container with a
blood-red liquid inside of it, these items are uncommon, but important. When
found, they will be stored in your ITEM MENU where they can be later used to
resurrect a "Dead" character when the time comes. When used their HP is brought up
to full. This cannot be used on a currently-alive character
Note: There is a
chance a Portable Medikit will transform into a Resurrection Chalice [about 6.25%].
Note: This item is stored in your inventory when grabbed.
A small can of specialized energy fluid in a tasty enough form. This item will restore 22.2% + 75 EP to the character who uses or grabs it and uses it later, up to a maximum of 100% of the character's Maximum EP. This is important, because Energy Points [or EP] are critical for characters who use specialized support skills or need to use mystic energy for some of their attacks.
There is a small chance for health-items to transform into this.
Note: This item is stored in your inventory when grabbed.
A larger and more powerful energy drink than the above. This item will restore 66.7% + 225 EP to the character who uses or grabs it and uses it later, up to a maximum of 100% of the character's Maximum EP. This is important, because Energy Points [or EP] are critical for characters who use specialized support skills or need to use mystic energy for some of their attacks.
There is a small chance for health-items to transform into this.
Note: This item is stored in your inventory when grabbed.
Appearing in a form heavily resembling an E-Tank from the classic Megaman series, this is the most powerful of all energy drinks you can collect, and the rarest. This item will restore all EP to character who uses or grabs it and uses it later, all the way up to 200% of the character's Maximum EP. It's like the SuperAtom of the Energy Drinks. This is important, because Energy Points [or EP] are critical for characters who use specialized support skills or need to use mystic energy for some of their attacks.
There is a small chance for health-items to transform into this.
Note: This item is stored in your inventory when grabbed.
Some attacks can inflict "Dimness" where it becomes nearly impossible to see
anything going on even inches in front of your face. Use these Eyedrops to
remove "Dimness" when this happens.
There is a small chance for health-items to transform into this.
Note: This item is stored in your inventory when grabbed.
There will be times where the enemies or
hazards will actually have the capability to poison
you and your allies. Using these antidotes will cure "poison".
There is a small chance for health-items to transform into this.
Note: This item is stored in your inventory when grabbed.
Although a foghorn might not appear to
be a useful item to the casual alien-fighter, they are extremely useful for when
they or one of their allies are confused. Sounding this off in their ear cures
the "Confusion" status.
There is a small chance for health-items to transform into this.
Note: This item is stored in your inventory when grabbed.
Appearing as a looping, spinning red arrow. These items are probably the most sought out item the player can find. If you grab one of these, it is basically a lifeline that will act when all members of your group die. The item consumes itself to bring them all back to life with 100% of their HP[but their other stats remain as they prior to the use of the Continue]. Five of these can be held at one time. They can also float in the air endlessly and sometimes a complicated maneuver[or a Jetpack] will be required to grab them. Additionally, enemies cannot grab these items nor will they try to, so you do not have to worry about racing another enemy to this item.
Note: There is a
chance an Atomic Health/Fortune Cookie/SuperAtom will transform into a Continue
Item [about 0.4%].
Note: You can only have 5 continues at once.
Note: This item is stored in your inventory when grabbed.
Based from the physical appearance of a strange item claiming a similar nature, Lisa created this blue-capsule like item as a necklace that unlike it's original source material is indeed capable of generating a bio-cellular energy-field throughout the wearer's body that will work off specialized energy-cells to protect the wearer from almost all forms of bodily damage. However at this time, Lisa only has one shield of this kind made in existence, which is permanently synchronized to her own DNA and therefore making her the only one who can use it to any effect. Once found, use of the "]" key will turn it on and off, causing a humming sound to occur around Lisa and her FOV to shimmer a light blue. The shield starts out able to take 16 points of damage for each energy-cell she has, but it's possible to find upgrades that extend this, and she can carry more cells as she levels up, making the item's potential vast. There are few things that this can't protect from, namely falling-damage and more than likely invulnerability bio-auras.
This item doesn't appear if Lisa is absent from your group, nor can it be picked
up if she's not there.
Note: A Holoform has a small chance of transforming into an energy-shield. If
Lisa has this item already, it has a higher chance of turning into a
shield-upgrade item.
Note: This item is stored in your inventory when grabbed.
Capsule-shaped energy-cells specifically used with a lot of Lisa's energy-based portable technology, including the Bio-Cellular Energy Shield (above). As Lisa levels up, her limit of cells extends, allowing her to carry more around. These appear in single units(5 cells), 6 units(30 cells), and 16 units(80 cells).
Note: If Lisa is in your group, various ammo items will sometimes turn into
these items.
Note: Lisa must be in your group to both see and pick up energy-cells.
Note: These items are stored in your inventory when grabbed.
Note: If you have surplus cells when grabbing a higher value pickup, you'll
leave behind whatever you didn't need in place of the original pickup.
A box of special 'emergency-teleportation coils' made by the EDF with the purpose of helping their operatives and afflilates rescue other civilians, animals or other helpless characters[like the podded women Duke often encountered in his early battles with the aliens] during the heat of combat. These must be 'fused' into an item first however to be 'primed', and they are wired to the DNA of the person using it, so they cannot accidentally be teleported away. Usually you'll end up using these with $100 bills, as most people, stubborn or not about being in the crossfire, will usually take free money. When someone takes this, the EDF Space Cruiser "Ryan's Hope" will teleport that person onboard for treatment and other services, and they will teleport various items back to you as a thanks for saving the person. The variety of items you can earn this way varies too much to go into detail though. Be warned, the aliens can sometimes intercept your teleporting awards with traps like live mortars, or even various troops, so be careful not to get careless when trying to rescue clusters of civilians/animals/etc or you might end up killing/hurting several trying to rescue one.
Note: This item is stored in your inventory when grabbed.
A node that when found, can he used to upgrade Lisa's night vision goggles to use "Hacker Vision", which allows her to see what positions any combination button[DIPSWITCH, DIPSWITCH3, etc] needs to be in[(ON) or (OFF)], allows her to see the passcode # of any keypad, or seeing the character requirements for hand scanners by pointing the crosshair at these objects. It will additionally give her infinite Night-Vision lifetime and enhanced Night-Vision visibility.
Lisa must be in your group to both see and pick up this item.
Note: Lisa must already have Night-Vision Goggles before she can grab this item.
Note: This item is stored in your inventory when grabbed.
Ami possesses a special type of magic-based technology in the forms of a visor that can be summoned over her eyes with the press of a pair of earrings. This visor allows increased visibility of up to 4 times, lights up enemies a night-vision green, and will allow you to see the status of any monster, NPC or other character the center crosshair is pointed at. For NPCs, their HP, Max HP, AP and Max AP will usually be visible. For monsters, they will additionally show their level, Attack, Defense, their First Aid amount, their Armor Absorbsion rate, as well as any powerup items they carry along with their timers[in seconds]. They also have an infinite life, so they will never run out. Additionally, [as of 5.13], the elemental stats of the enemy targets can be seen to assess their strengths and weaknesses, represented by the row of icons below:
Ami always has this item when she is with you, unless in extremely unique
circumstances. She should probably never have this turned off if you wish to
play as her with the best efficiency.
Note: This item is stored in your inventory.
When found, this enhances the use of Ami's VR Visor in [currently] three ways: First, it will allow her to hit the more sensitive and weak portions of her enemy with attacks if she is using the VR Visor, thus doing bonus damage. The second is that allows her to point the crosshair at the floor and ceiling to detect whether they are safe to travel on, and if not, the type of terrain/hazard being scanned by the visor. The third is that monsters and other NPCs will show up on the overhead automap-view as arrows. NPCs are brown colored arrows, while the arrows belonging to the enemies are color-coded by their level range, just like the Level-Ranking star next to their lifebars.
Note: This item is stored in your inventory when grabbed.
Vitamin X is a recent development that was created to discourage use of the more harmful and negative long-term effects of Steroids. It is similar at first to Steroids, increasing both movement speed and melee attack strength like Duke's original Steroids, however it has many extra abilities that normal Steroids cannot do, with no known bad long term side effects, and safe to use for most age groups and both men and women. Additional effects include a varying extra resistance to all damage, a strange ability to also increase non-melee damage to enemies, a slightly increased chance to inflict critical hits, and as well as more mantling and pickup strength, as well as better jumping strength and falling resistance. There are rumors the base component of Vitamin X is a newly discovered chemical said to possess massive power when in great quantities. However, much like the original Steroids item, it will only last for so long, but also lasts 50% longer than the original Steroids, making them a generally more useful replacement.
Modder's Note: The change of
this item is not related to censorship, but due to the game's storyline, and yes
I did get the idea from Duke Nukem 64 for the name, but the sprite is my own mod
and not ripped from DN64. :P
Note: This item [and all original
DN3D Inventory items] is stored in your inventory when grabbed.
Bubsy is no normal bobcat as you'd might imagine, and his abnormality and mystery in this world is further extended on by the fact that he is able to extend his reserve of actual 'lives' by grabbing special white t-shirts with numbers on them. The number represents the amount of lives Bubsy receives from the shirt. Bubsy's right-side HUD will display the number of extra lives he has [if any], up to a maximum of 8 extra lives at any given time. When Bubsy is fatally injured[and his survival rate doesn't kick in], an extra life is consumed and he will return to full HP and his underwater air time is fully refilled, as if nothing had happened to him. Additionally, if Bubsy is dead upon another character grabbing an extra life, the first extra life will be automatically depleted to bring him back to life.
Bubsy must be in your group to both see and pick up this item.
Note: Bubsy can only have 8 extra lives at once.
Note: This item is stored in your inventory when grabbed.
An extremely rare and brand new item to the game. This item will increase the stat growth rates of one character for the remainder of their level ups and any bonus items they grab. With this item, a character with low HP like Paula can actually be given a chance to match a higher HP character like Bubsy or Lo Wang, for example.
Note: This item is stored in your inventory when grabbed.
An extremely rare and brand new item to the game. Using this item on a character will give them a "false" or "emulated" level up where their stats increase in a similar way without affecting the direct Level number. However using this is a double-edged sword to a temporary extent. The medicine uses a powerful toxin in it's effects that will instanteously cut the affected character's Current HP to half it's original level, and gives them the "Poison" ailment on top of it. Having healing items/skills and/or an antidote can countermand these affects, but it's best to be careful using this strange medicene too often.
Note: This item is stored in your inventory when grabbed.
Occasionally found dropped by enemies or in various spots, these valued gem-rings serve mainly to sell for various prices in some shops. Eight gems exist: Zircon, Aquamarine, Turquoise, Emerald, Garnet, Ruby, Citrine and Diamond, while two types of rings exist: Silver and the rarer Gold.
Note: These items are stored in your inventory when grabbed.
This group of items are likely the best long term items in the game due to the ability for characters to equip them[like in an RPG :P]. Depending on the difficulty level in the game, a character can equip anywhere from 1 to 4 items. Also, all items of the same type WILL stack effects, but the way the stack works depends on the item in question.
A ring said to be imbued with the energy
from the sun, this accessory grants the user 25% resistance to Fire, and 22.5%
damage resistance to Explosives
Note: This item is stored in
your inventory when grabbed.
Note: Stacking this item's effects will increase the resistance factors
A ring said to be imbued with the energy
from the oceans, this accessory grants the user 25% resistance to Water,
and 22.5% damage resistance to Ice
Note: This item is stored in
your inventory when grabbed.
Note: Stacking this item's effects will increase the resistance factors
A ring said to be imbued with the energy
from the turbulence of the heavens, this accessory grants the user 25% resistance to
and 22.5% damage resistance to Energy
Note: This item is stored in
your inventory when grabbed.
Note: Stacking this item's effects will increase the resistance factors
A ring said to be imbued with the energy
from unknown sources, this accessory grants the user a 33% resistance to all
mystical forms of energy, including Psychic
Note: This item is stored in
your inventory when grabbed.
Note: Stacking this item's effects will increase the resistance factors
This specialized shield both generates a mirror image on the front, and possesses reflective properties that cause damage to you to be cut in half and the other half to be bounced back at the attacking enemy.
Note: This item is stored in
your inventory when grabbed.
Note: Stacking this item's effects will increase the resistance factors
by 50% of the remainder of unreflected damage
each. [i.e. 1 = 50% reflection, 2 = 75% reflection, 3 = 87.5%
reflection, 4 = 93.75% reflection]
Note: Lori CAN stack Mirror Shields with Triad Refractor for additional
deflection capabilities.
This necklace hold an ancient and blessed magic ankh, possibly originating somewhere in Egyptian lands. It's power accelerates the healing strength of a character's natural regeneration rate by 3x. It will also increase the strength of the Regeneration Ankh powerup by 50%.
Note: This item is stored in
your inventory when grabbed.
Note: Stacking this item's effects will increase the healing multipliers
additively up to a 12x natural regeneration rate and up to a 3x artifact
regeneration rate.
This blue plated badge offers a special boost to your mental capacities, doubling the character's EXP intake.
Note: This item is stored in
your inventory when grabbed.
Note: Stacking this item's effects will increase the EXP multiplier additively
up to 16x.
This gold plated badge offers a special boost to your style, doubling the character's RANK intake.
Note: This item is stored in your inventory when grabbed.
Note: Stacking this item's effects will increase the RANK multiplier additively
up to 16x.
This green plated badge offers a special boost to your luck, doubling the character's money intake.
Note: This item is stored in
your inventory when grabbed.
Note: Stacking this item's effects will
increase the money multiplier additively up to 16x.
A Riot Shield crafted by members of LARD's top dogs with some assistance from the aliens, this unique shield is a lot more useful than most typical police riot shields. Just keeping one equipped in you inventory slot increases resistance to Metal attacks [shrapnel, bullets, pellets, etc] by 20%, and also decreases the overall damage to your AP by 10%, making your Armor items last a little longer in heated firefights.
Note: This item is stored in
your inventory when grabbed.
Note: Stacking this item's effects will
increase the Metal Resistance factor and the AP Loss reduction factor
A strange pair of dark-green gloves. Their origins are unexplained, but they're special in that wearing them will negate danger from "using" or touching hazardous objects like electrical sockets, or guessing an incorrect Keypad code, or having the wrong character's handprint entered on a handscanner.
Note: This item is stored in
your inventory when grabbed.
Note: Although this item can be stacked, one
is enough to fully protect a character from hazards like above, so having more
than one equipped per character is fruitless. :P
Amplifying your luck and fortune, this rabbit's foot is very lucky indeed, as it will increase your chances of surviving a death blow[i.e. an otherwise-fatal blow will leave you with 1 HP left] by 12.5%.
Note: This item is stored in
your inventory when grabbed.
Note: Stacking this item's effects will
increase the character's deathblow-survival rate additively.
A long blue pair of boots, that grant the user +25% jumping power when equipped, allowing them to reach some more out of the way locations. However be warned that they will NOT increase the user's falling-resistance, and might cause more fall-damage if used incorrectly by a careless character.
Note: This item is stored in
your inventory when grabbed.
Note: Stacking this item's effects will
increase the character's jump-strength %-boost additively.
A long, dark-green pair of boots appearing similar to the above "Jump Boots", these will give the user some resistance to falling damage, between 17.5% and 22.5%. They will not increase the character's jumping height, so you must be strategic in how and when you want to utilize these or Jump Boots.
Note: This item is stored in
your inventory when grabbed.
Note: Stacking this item's effects will
increase the character's fall-damage resistance % additively.
A pair of yellow shoes with happy-faces all over them. These are suppose to make the user so happy that just moving around, even aimlessly, will increase their EXP by small amounts every second.
Note: Valid movements are:
forwards, backwards, strafing-left, strafing-right [always], jetpacking up,
jetpacking down [when using a jetpack], swimming up & swimming down [when
underwater]. Jumping in place [jetpack off, above water] does not count as full
Note: This item is stored in
your inventory when grabbed.
Note: Stacking this item's effects will
increase the amount of EXP gain per second of movement.
A stylish pair of shoes that are supposed to allow the character wearing them to accumulate small amounts of RANK points by just moving around. even aimlessly, for every second of movement.
Note: Valid movements are:
forwards, backwards, strafing-left, strafing-right [always], jetpacking up,
jetpacking down [when using a jetpack], swimming up & swimming down [when
underwater]. Jumping in place [jetpack off, above water] does not count as full
Note: This item is stored in
your inventory when grabbed.
Note: Stacking this item's effects will
increase the amount of RANK gain per second of movement.
A green and grey pair of shoes that are supposed to allow the character wearing them to gain money in small amounts by just moving around, even aimlessly, for every second of movement.
Note: Valid movements are:
forwards, backwards, strafing-left, strafing-right [always], jetpacking up,
jetpacking down [when using a jetpack], swimming up & swimming down [when
underwater]. Jumping in place [jetpack off, above water] does not count as full
Note: This item is stored in
your inventory when grabbed.
Note: Stacking this item's effects will
increase the amount of Money gain per second of movement.
An enchanted wrist guard that amplifies the strength of the user, increasing their Lifting Weight by 25%, their Mantling ability by 25%, their Melee-based damage by 25%, and all other non-melee attack damage by 10%.
Note: This item is stored in
your inventory when grabbed.
Note: Stacking this item's effects will
increase all involved factors additively.
A mystic hockey mask that grants extra inner-strength to the wearer, increasing their chances of landing critical hits by a significant amount of 33% of their current value.
Note: This item is stored in
your inventory when grabbed.
Note: Stacking this item's effects will
increase all involved factors additively.
A magical crown embedded with strange gemstones. This increases the chances that a dropped gemstone ring from monsters will be gold instead of silver by 10%.
Note: This item is stored in
your inventory when grabbed.
Note: Stacking this item's effects will
increase all involved factors additively.
A enchanted runic symbol that grants significant defense at the cost of attacking strength, increasing overall resistance to damage by 25% and decreasing your overall critical hit rate by 1/4.
Note: This item is stored in
your inventory when grabbed.
Note: Stacking this item's effects will
increase/decrease all involved factors additively.
A cape once believed to belong to an ancient vampire of forgotten times, this cape will grant the wearer the ability to absorb 10% of all HP/AP damage they deal to enemies, or 20% more of HP/AP damage they deal to enemies while using a Vampire Mask artifact.
Note: This item is stored in
your inventory when grabbed.
Note: Stacking this item's effects will
increase all involved factors additively.
An enchanted asp armband from egyptian times, which grants the user to affix a slowing-poison to their attacks, which has a 10% chance of either slowing or poisoning an enemy on each attack.
Note: This item is stored in
your inventory when grabbed.
Note: Stacking this item's effects will
increase all involved factors additively.
While using this specialized bag of medics, all medical healing-items used or grabbed by the user will also give 10% of their beneficial effects to all other members in your team.
Note: This item is stored in
your inventory when grabbed.
Note: Stacking this item's effects will
increase all involved factors additively.
An alien helmet molded in the shape of a menacing cobra, this headgear can scare enemy attackers to various degrees, lowering their defense against your attacks by 50% in most cases. Elites and bosses however won't be as affected by your bravado.
Note: This item is stored in
your inventory when grabbed.
Note: Stacking this item's effects will
increase all involved factors additively.
A mysterious machine with the ability to detect damage to the user's body, allowing it to be converted into Energy Points [EP] for later use. However it's only 25% effective, and based on the % of damage in HP taken by the user.
Note: This item is stored in
your inventory when grabbed.
Note: Stacking this item's effects will
increase all involved factors additively.
A spiritual orb of calmness and enlightenment. This relic will reduce the cost of EP for skills and attacks [but not transformations] by 20%.
Note: This item is stored in
your inventory when grabbed.
Note: Stacking this item's effects will
increase all involved factors additively.