"Ryan's Hope" rescue system originally created by Steamchip, modified by Lord Misfit.
Displays of Duke3D inventory items and Keycards made by DeeperThought, slightly modified by Lord Misfit [I just changed their display positions. :P]
Basis of the character-switching system code was made by MBlackwell.
Reinspiration to make this mod [after three long-past HD crashes] is thanks to DeeperThought and his "Duke Nukem 3D: Weapons of Mass Destruction" modification.
A big part of the keypad code [and part of the hand scanner/new keyscanner code] was made by Dr. Kylstien.
The footsteps system originally created by James for his "Nuclear Showdown" modification with minor code alterations by DeeperThought.
Original Ladder-Climbing system created by DeeperThought.
Original Mantle system created by DeeperThought.
Website Provider of - Zero X. Diamond
Website Provider[s] of - Yatta & TerminX
Commentator and Player of the NR Talkthrough - TheSeriousCacodemon/Cacodemon Leader
Voice of Duke Nukem - John St. Jon
Voice of Jack Walker - Lord Misfit
Voice of Bubsy Bobcat - denten02
Voice of Higa "Lo Wang" Hakaisha - John Galt
Voice of ESSence Margalan - Lord Misfit
Voice of Lisa Bates - Vero-chan
Voice of Cybanis Morgandos - Davidos
Voice of Minako Aino - Trollitrade
Voice of Maken Shinkara - Vero-chan